Evaluation of Tackling Tobacco projects (Cancer Council NSW & Cancer Council Tasmania)
The Tackling Tobacco Program was developed by CCNSW in response to the discrepancies in the health and social outcomes for disadvantaged population groups. The program aims to reduce smoking-related harm among the most disadvantaged groups by working with social and community service organisations already in contact with these groups. The program has worked with a range of mental health, community and Aboriginal organisations to build their capacity to address tobacco issues and support their clients to quit.Inca Consulting evaluated a pilot with services that work intensively with Aboriginal families with dependent children (one Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service in Sydney and one family service in Western NSW), as well as a pilot of the program in Tasmania working with mental health and community organisations. Both evaluations used a pre-post design and involved staff and client surveys, in-depth interviews and analysis of program data.
On the back of this work, we were also engaged by CCNSW to develop several case studies highlighting the outcomes some organisations have achieved through the Tackling Tobacco program.

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in the Out of Home Care Sector (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse)
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is investigating how institutions like schools, churches, sports clubs and government organisations have responded to allegations and instances of child sexual abuse.Inca Consulting conducted national research in the Out of Home Care sector on policies, processes and practices for carer screening, assessment, training and support as means of preventing and responding to child sexual abuse. The research included interviews with representatives of all State and Territory governments, a large number of NGOs and peak organisations. The research has been peer reviewed and was published in early 2017.

Evaluation of the Home Power Savings Program (HPSP) Aboriginal Community Project (NSW Office of Environment and Heritage)
The program trialled a partnership for delivery of the Home Power Saving Program (HPSP), delivered in partnership with Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation (MPREC). The rationale was that rising electricity prices affect lower income households disproportionately to other households and that this can be addressed by providing personalised information, advice, resources and follow-up. A further rationale was that people on low incomes may have limited information and available capital to do what is required to improve energy efficiency in their homes.The program delivered energy assessments, information and energy saving resources to more than 1,800 low-income Aboriginal households in western NSW. It was a trial of a model to deliver culturally appropriate services and to meet the equity targets set for the HPSP. Inca Consulting undertook an evaluation of the program, conducting extensive face-to-face in-depth interviewing with Aboriginal householders in the Murdi Paaki region, as well as analysing program data.

Evaluation of Education and Employment Programs for Social Housing Tenants (Housing NSW, Department of Family and Community Services)
Inca Consulting undertook an evaluation of an initiative comprising three demonstration projects, which sought to enhance the education and training opportunities of some of social housing tenants, particularly those living in highly disadvantaged estates. The project involved a comprehensive literature review to establish a rationale for the approaches and to identify good practice principles through examination of the research on both Australian and overseas initiatives.The evaluation analysed program data collected by the NGOs implementing the projects. The evaluation also included surveys of the majority of participants as well as qualitative in-depth interviews with a selection of participants and program stakeholders. Recommendations regarding continuation and adaptation of the models for broader implementation were provided.

A strategic review of asbestos registers in Australia (Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency)
Revised national workplace safety regulations in 2013 require all workplaces to have and maintain an asbestos register, which identifies the type, location and management plan for any asbestos in buildings constructed before 2003. ASEA engaged Inca Consulting to conduct a review of asbestos registers, both within Australia and internationally, in order to establish good practice.The research involved desktop research, in-depth interviews with 50 businesses and government agencies, and a national survey of tradespeople. A discussion paper highlighting the features of good practice approaches to the developing and maintenance of asbestos registers was written and provide to ASEA to inform their ongoing work in promoting best practice.

Evaluation of the Enhanced Enforcement Program (NSW Centre for Road Safety)
The Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) provides additional funds to NSW Police to allow them to extend their hours of high visibility road safety enforcement operations, targeting behaviours that increase the risk of accidents such as drink driving, speeding and wearing seat belts.The evaluation Inca Consulting conducted involved developing and applying a statistical model using EEP and crash data to determine what impact the program has had on driver behaviour and road trauma. It also involved qualitative interviews with some 70 representatives from NSW Police, the Centre for Road Safety and NSW Roads and Maritime Services The report examined the impact of EEP, the extent to which funds are being spent efficiently, and how aspects of operations and administration could be improved to enhance outcomes and efficiency.
Inca Consulting
Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
+61 494 098 920