We are a multidisciplinary team possessing strong qualitative and quantitative expertise. We build tailored methodologies to meet the individual requirements of any project. Our team has extensive experience in stakeholder consultation, including the facilitation of workshops, focus groups, one-to-one interviews and surveys.
Murray has over 22 years' experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research for all spheres of government, as well as the community and private sectors.
Murray has focused on policy-related issues and has experience in fields such as health, transport and road safety, international education, sustainability, tourism and environmental issues. He has previously headed the social research divisions of Blue Moon and TNS and was also employed by Urbis (then Keys Young). He is a member of the Australasian Evaluation Society and the Australian Market and Social Research Society.

Rohan has worked as a policy researcher and program evaluator for more than 20 years and has Masters in Policy Studies.
Rohan is a highly experienced qualitative researcher and much of her career has focused on better understanding the determinants and impacts of social disadvantage. A stakeholder research specialist, she works extensively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and marginalised groups, including people with a disability or mental illness and young people at risk. She is a member of the Australasian Evaluation Society and the Australian Market and Social Research Society.

Senior Consultant
Marc is highly skilled researcher, interviewer, evaluator and writer with more than 20 years' experience. Marc trained and worked as a journalist on the Sydney Morning Herald. He has a Masters in Journalism, a Masters of Policy and Applied Social Research and is currently completing his PhD in Human Geography and Sustainability. He specialises in several areas including sustainability, health, education, tourism and media campaigns.

Karen is a Yorta Yorta woman who was born and raised in Melbourne. She operates her own independent consultancy and has more than 20 years' consulting experience, working particularly with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia. She is a highly skilled researcher and facilitator, with expertise in early intervention and prevention, children and young people, health, housing, drug and alcohol, family violence, native title, education, training and employment, cultural heritage and social justice.

Accreditation & Associations
Inca Consulting is a member of the Australian Market & Social Research Society and the Australasian Evaluation Society.
Inca Consulting
Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
+61 494 098 920
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